Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Mr. Potato Head

I have long been an acquirer of toys. There are the colorful trolls, the dancing hamsters, the irritating little maze games with metal balls in them. But my favorite acquisition, hands down, has been Mr. Potato Head.

There is something infinitely appealing about sticking random pointy things into a potato, and Mr. Potato Head takes this enjoyment to a new level. I can place his moustache where his eye should be, change his shoes, put his ear where his nose should be. While the commercials have all the fun suggestions for changing up the face, they like to keep it normal. What is truly fun about Mr. Potato Head, though, is to be able to take a potato-shaped bit of plastic and give it not only recognizable human features, but having the features be horribly awry.

For all of you who have forgotten the simple pleasures of Mr. Potato Head: repent! I have a Darth Vader Mr. Potato Head and the regular one, and they both delight me infinitely. Go out and acquire the joy that only the potato can bring. And the best part is, when you want to put body parts away, you can store them in Mr. Potato Head's butt, since there's a handy door there. Sheer genius.


Blogger Charles Wu said...

Two random ideas:

1. My computer science teacher calls her MPH Darth Tater. I find this incredibly hilarious.

2. All Mr. Potato Heads should come with a remote key fob so you can pop their trunk from a distance. Come to think of it, so should humans.

10:20 PM  
Blogger GabĂș said...

I always liked Mr Potato Head on the premise that it was the perfect toy for me to make my own interpretaion of the Demoiselles of Avignon with plastic vegetables. Thus I get my revenge on Picasso for being a chauvinist pig.

10:55 PM  
Blogger Meredith said...

Remotes would improve so many aspects of life, really, when you think about it.

7:27 PM  

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