Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Shopping Period

My shopping period by numbers.

1: The number of classes I walked out of in sheer terror.
2: Number of language classes for which I am inadequately prepared but am taking anyway.
6: Average number of people who wander in late and have to stand uncomfortably in the back of a class.
12: Average number of disgruntled people who are in front of me in line at the copy store where they sell us overpriced course packets, and only in cash.
35: The number of people wearing large, ironic glasses and/or scarves in my Intro. to Theory of Literature class of 200 people.
150: Dollars it cost for two textbooks.
1,000,000: The apparent number of undergraduates who shopped my History of China course.
99,999: The expected number of people who are actually going to take it.

For Wednesday...the epic tale of a pipe bursting, flooding my entryway, and forcing twenty people (including me) out of the dorm.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...


12:14 AM  
Blogger Meredith said...

Thanks for your support.

2:28 PM  

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