Thursday, February 22, 2007

The Suite Life

Well, it finally happened. After weeks of mouse trouble, one of them up and died in our wall. I found it amusing that, the day after I made a joke about stowing a body in a wall, we found out that a mouse decided to die in the wall between a bedroom and the common room and stink the whole place up. I must find something funny about it, because otherwise I think about the fact that our suite smelled like carcass for three days. Now it smells like special pest control air freshener and carcass.

The pest control people came in the first place because we'd smelled something funny on Monday. My roommate called me out into the common room. I should have learned by now that whenever someone says, "Hey, come smell this," you yell, "Hell no!" and run the other way. But, naive as I was, I went to the common room, which she claimed smelled funny. She had me smell the wall, right next to a bedroom's doorframe. I pulled away in revulsion, and she laughed hysterically after confirming that there was indeed something fishy (or decaying carcassy, rather) about the smell.

The best part is that they can't remove the body. Short of breaking down the wall, there's no way to do it. We just have to live with the smell until the "neutralizer," whatever that means, does its work. So we get the pest control equivalent of Febreeze and a look of pity. Pity won't restore my olfaction, buddy!

We called the pest control people that evening, and made the level of smell part of our daily commentary. It was our equivalent of small talk about the weather.
"Mighty stinky today, mmhmm."

And on an unrelated note, here's a conversation I had with my freshman counselor when I asked to borrow his blender for a party on Saturday.
"So, you need it for Saturday night?"
"And what are you going to be doing with it?"
"Delicious fruit smoothies?"
*pause* "Yes, that's right."

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, that smell must have been awful. :(

9:34 PM  

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