Tuesday, February 13, 2007

I am judging you...

...when you use a fork to eat ice cream. I may joke and poke fun, but I actually am judging you. It just doesn't make any sense. There as an instrument created that works perfectly for eating ice cream, and it's called a spoon. Note that spoon does not equal fork. I don't know why, but this one of those things which I don't even just find charmingly quirky. It's kind of like when people stab pieces of meat with chopsticks. Just admit defeat and use the appropriate utensil.

It is called a spoon.
Why are you using a fork,
you utter dumbass?

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Blogger Sam said...

I guess most of the time there's no justification - but what if you're eating apple pie with ice cream and all they give you is a fork? Isn't that permitted?

And what about sporks? Is the "spork = fork+spoon" rule inclusive or exclusive?

2:26 AM  

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