Monday, January 29, 2007

Another list!

Five Events to Summarize My Weekend:

1; I'm in love.  His name is "My Super Hot Art History TA."  It's like some hand has been strategically choosing my TAs this year in order to maximize my distraction.  First Jorge, the anthropology TA, now the art TA.

2. Seeing The Exorcist in no way prepares you see projectile vomiting live and in color.  It was at a party, and the shrieking crowd parted like the Red Sea.  I felt bad, but only as bad as a spectator to unanticipated, projectile vomiting can be.

3. Sometimes it's time to just turn down eating.  I had three dinners on Friday.  My suitemate left for the semester, so we were having a goodbye dinner.  I had to leave that dinner early, after eating, to attend my pre-orientation group's reunion dinner.  Stuffed, I thought I was finished with eating for that day.  But then I ran into some of my friends and they dragged me to go eat pizza.  And because I have a compulsive need to not just sit in a restaurant without ordering something, I agreed to split the bill on pizza and have a slice.  I had two slices, and it was a mistake.  NEVER AGAIN.

4. Any expectation that a group of people who were mildly awkward together and unable to hold a conversation without long silences will change just by being apart for a couple months is a foolish one.  Everyone will still be awkard, but still wearing different clothes.

5. Those birthday hats that you used to wear at all the pool parties? You know the ones, shaped like a cone and with the elastic that straps it to your head, even through the soda- and cake-induced high? They're not meant for adult-sized heads.  The elastic doesn't want to be friends with your chin.

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