Thursday, September 07, 2006


I don't know why so many people are frightened of hobos. Especially the ones who sing or play garbage cans. So maybe they occasionally smell bad and curse you if you give/don't give them money or sandwiches, but who doesn't? Most people have persons they're cursing in their heads, times when they just want to yell, "Motherfucker!" Hobos just have more of a reason and less to lose.

People see them from a block away and cross the street in order to avoid them, only to cross again a block later. My wish is that hobos would be set up more like Starbucks. For those not familiar with Starbucks in the city, there are often two in a one block area, across the street from each other, for the following reasons:
1. if you're too lazy tor cross-eyed from lack of sleep to make it across the street, there's coffee on your side
2. if one store is too crowded, you can cross the street and go into the other
3. because Starbucks just can

I would set up hobos on either side of the street, rather than just in a line one exactly one reason: to make people uncomfortable. All joking aside, they're actual people, not strange creatures that grow from the cracks between buildings and the sidewalk. If they make you uncomfortable, that's a good thing; they should. People shrink away and give them a wide berth. Homelessness isn't contagious. Ignorance is.

If you have the courage, go chill with a trashcan player. I did it. If he doesn't eat you, it could be really cool. And come on, who doesn't wish she could play the trashcans?


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