Friday, August 18, 2006

Snakes on a Plane

Snakes on a Plane changed my life when I saw it this afternoon. It restored my faith in truly terrible movies that can still earn one's love. I was slightly concerned that it would be bad bad, rather than so bad it's good. It turned out to be the best movie I've seen this summer, or at least the most enjoyable. Though when I first heard that there was a movie called Snakes on a Plane coming out, I thought it would be the worst movie ever filmed, it surpassed my expectations pleasantly. It was ridiculous in a way that perhaps justified the movie ticket; I don't think you'd properly appreciate it on a television screen.

What I liked about Snakes on a Plane is that no one even pretended that it was serious or had cinematic integrity. There was a doofy music video at the end, and the scenes that explained why there were snakes on a plane plus the boarding of the plane took all of twenty minutes. The rest was pure, unadulterated snake bites. No attempt was made to make it at all plausible or even flesh it out. It was full of snakes dropping from ceilings, inducing shrieks from the audience, followed by ridiculous death scenes during which everyone laughed. It's been a while since I've been to a movie to which the audience reacted so strongly. We screamed together, laughed together, and clapped when a flight attendant killed a snake with an axe. I laughed harder during that movie than at any of the comedies I've seen this summer.

I think it's the first potential cult classic that I've actually seen in its first run in theaters. I've been to the midnight showing of Rocky Horror Picture Show, thrown my toast and all, but this was different. No one threw rubber snakes, much to my disappointment, but I hand pinched my friend during a tense scene in the movie to get the adrenaline pumping. She was not as appreciative of the timing of the move as I was, however.

Two of my friends said they ran into a former classmate's mother. They told her what movie they were headed to, and imitated her expression. It looked to me like, "I'm glad you're not my children." And my mother's face told me that she, too, didn't understand. But the point is this: if someone can convince people to give them money to make and release a movie like Snakes on a Plane, anything is possible. That's what brought me so much joy, aside from the movie itself. It restored my sense of wonder, and made hope possible again.

So the message is: go see Snakes on a Plane this weekend, even if you think you have something better to do. But have no expectations for it.

Technorati Tags: snakes, plane


Anonymous Anonymous said...

My greatest moment of joy during that movie was trying to bash the snake's head with a water bottle during one of the cockpit scenes. People keep asking me how the movie was and my only response is "SNAKES ON A PLANE". I also do the arm wriggle.
Honestly its been a while since a movie was plainly just a lot of fun.

4:13 AM  
Blogger Reel Fanatic said...

I'm glad that to hear that this one was fun enough to live up the totally ridiculous hype .. I'm finally gonna get to see it today, and I can't wait!

6:43 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

we all had rubber snakes. there was much throwing of them.

10:05 AM  
Blogger Katharine Sofia said...

I am so going to sit in the back and throw rubber snakes next time I go.

11:48 AM  

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