Thursday, April 20, 2006

Carrier Pigeons

So, I was thinking about mail on Monday, and that got me to thinking about carrier pigeons. I went to the International Spy Museum, and there was a wall about using carrier pigeons during one of the world wars. At the time, I remember thinking what a badass idea that was. Maybe it's because I'm still waiting for my Hogwarts letter or because I don't have to train or care for dirty pigeons, but I think we should reintroduce carrier pigeons.

Since receiving email is exciting, and snail mail even more so in some ways, imagine how exciting having a bird deliver your mail would be. Now, there are arguments to be made for hand-delivered letters and telegrams, but I can see people everyday. But trained pigeons, now that is something I want to see. I don't know that you could send anything of any true substance using a bird, but it could have its uses. For example, note passing. We all have thoughts during class that can't be said aloud, but need to be conveyed to a friend. Carrier pigeons could take this to an entirely new level, to, dare I say it, class-to-class note passing. It could work like this:

Carrier pigeon lands on desk and student unravels the paper around its leg. The student opens the paper and the pigeon flies away.
Teacher: Is there something you'd like to share with the class?
Student: No, I'm good. It's just something to think about for later.
Teacher: What was so important that it merited interrupting class?
Student: Nothing, really.
Teacher: I insist on seeing the paper.
Teacher looks at the paper, and all that is written on the paper is:

Also, it would be kind of nice if you were going somewhere where there was no cell phone reception. The place where you're staying could have a carrier pigeon station, and you could send people information by pigeon. Especially those obnoxious postcards, "Wish you were here" with a beach on the front. It could be, "Wish you were here, and did I mention that we have carrier pigeons?" And he'd think, JERK, because he would have received the note by carrier pigeon, and think about how much more fun you're having with mail than he is.

In short, I haven't fully thought out the logistics of introducing mainstream carrier pigeons, but I think someone should. It's not about being economically viable or making sense, it's about being awesome.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Awesome things get my vote. Man, give pigeons some use in life instead of milling around in large groups creating one large pile of poo. Carrying my mail? Excellent purpose.

11:20 AM  
Blogger Jason Chua said...

The concept of carrier pigeons is awesome.

The concept of avian flu... not so much.

3:36 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I, too, have mused upon the possibility of the pigeon in modern society. They're just so cute and fluffy when they're not scrounging for food on the dingy pavement. But the thing is, you can only have them go one place. They're trained to always return to their home roost, so you take them with you wherever you're going, be it ambush or fishing trip, and then you attach your message to its leg and let it fly home.
So I say Lamont should start its own pigeon roost. And I think you should blog on the extreme annoyance of people who take FOREVER in the lunch lines, trying to decide between carrots and beets when all you want to do is get to the French fries at the ends. I imagine you might have humourous thoughts on the topic. :)

6:34 PM  

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