Thursday, September 14, 2006

Guilty Pleasures

Here is a nowhere near definitive list of things I guiltily enjoy at the moment:

1. The OC (although I am skeptical about the new season). The question is not, am I too smart for The OC? The question is, is The OC too smart for me?
2. Shopping at Salvation Army, even though I can afford expensive clothing. It's all fun and games until I have a reality check and realize that people are actually purchasing pants for $5 because it's what they can afford.
3. Puddle jumping. You look like a damn fool if you're older than nine and still puddle jumping, but I just can't seem to shake myself of the habit. Any time it's warm enough and raining, I go for it.
4. Romance novels. For some reason there's a stigma against supposedly intelligent people reading romance novels rather than, say, Crime and Punishment, for fun. I did read it, and it was interesting, but it lacked an important element: six packs and a whimsical path to finding Mr. Right.
5. Eating an entire bag of cookies. If you leave me alone with a bag of Milanos, you will not find them alive when you come back. I cannot be trusted with cookies. One can also read "entire bag of cookies" as "entire pint of ice cream."
6. Partaking in the implications of the phrase "Thursday is the new Friday." I may have a class on Friday, but Thursday calls to me, and who I am not to respond?
7. Staring at pictures of plastic surgery gone wrong. I thought it was really disgusting and perverse at first, and then I realized that it really was perverse to be looking at them. But it's a definite case of Pringles Syndrome. Once I popped, I couldn't stop. In case you're interested: Awful Plastic Surgery.
8. Jaywalking. Lights are more of a suggestion than a rule. But I still feel bad because most drivers don't seem to have realized that yet. That's perhaps for the best, actually.
9. Checking my email at every opportunity. I know it's sort of dorky and compulsive to check my email whenever I can, which, when I'm in my room, usually means about every ten minutes, but I just can't stop myself. I take a secret pleasure in receive more than one email at a time, and no one can make me feel truly guilty for my joy.
10. Stealing fruit from the dining hall. I steal anywhere between two and four pieces of fruit from the dining hall in a given meal. We're hoarding them for late night snack attacks, another thing I enjoy even though I know it's against what 10 out of 10 doctors recommend.

My discovery upon writing up this list is that I usually don't feel too guilty about anything I do. Another realization that goes along with it is that I have a poor sense of when I should be embarrassed. Somehow that filtered got jogged loose, and it's been lost somewhere where it will probably never be found again. Oh well!


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