Tuesday, April 25, 2006

The Meaning of Life

I'm contemplating the meaning of life upon request, and it's been a rather strenuous time. I wondered, was it to truly understand that you are sometimes happiest when procrastinating and abandon work, to find your "true calling," to learn how to perform a headspin? And I realized that there was no real, sweeping generalization for all these things, but for one. Essentially, the meaning of life is to become your own personal definition of a badass.

Sure, life sucks, and then you die, but it's a lot better when you have the reassurance that you're awesome. For me, being a badass is the following things:
1. Not being stressed out.
2. Knowing, or at least being able to fudge well the latest crazy handshake.
3. Writing a fun blog.
4. Feeling that when you do the same stuff as everyone else, it's just a little bit better because it was you who did it.
5. Mutating fruits so that they are more like bananas.
6. Finding something you love doing everyday, and then getting someone to pay you for it.
7. Being able to pull of purple pants.
8. Finding a group of people who will put up with your use of the five second rule, spontaneous ranting, eccentricity, and inability to not sing along with the radio, and being a good friend to them.
9. Realizing that sometimes you can't be perfect, still feeling like excellent, and then eating cheesecake.
10. Learning how to play well the guitar, harmonica, kazoo or nose flute.

This should by no means dictate how you become a badass. I do, however, recommend making a list like the one I wrote to see how you could become your definition of a badass. The key is to have things that won't hurt anybody else. So I suppose I should revise my statement and say that the meaning of life is to be a peaceful badass. Perhaps if we were all happy with our badassness, we could stop killing each other, stop stealing from the communal fridge and stop cutting me off in traffic.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think keeping you blog audience as entertained as you do is pretty badass.

It has inspired me to go play my uke like the sav musician that I am. *poof*

2:14 PM  
Blogger Jason Chua said...

Quite possibly your most enjoyable post yet.

6:47 AM  

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