Tuesday, May 02, 2006


I awoke this morning to a serious dilemma. I looked out my window and discovered that it was raining. New England is a crazy region of the country, and very rarely do I ever actually have to dress for rain. Usually it stays sunny and warm during the spring, only to suddenly turn bleak, cold and rainy in the fifteen minutes you spend indoors. This leaves me wearing shorts and flip-flops and dashing across campus in a futile effort to not drown, my flip-flops almost slipping off the entire time. To actually prepare for venturing out into rainy weather, however, is almost beyond my capabilities at this point.

Do I wear pants? I can't, because then the bottom of the pantleg inevitably gets wet. And then I'm weighed down and gradually my pants are wet up to the knee. And also, I have very cute, plaid rainboots that I wish for the world to see. But I can't wear a skirt because it's only 45 degrees out, and tights only do so much. This leaves me with only rainboots on the bottom of my body, and I can't go to class like that. It would cause quite a stir. One morning I tried rolling up my pants to just above the top of the boots, but I felt like a doofus the entire day. When I actually have a choice about how I will attire myself to go out into the rain, the stress is almost too much. And you can't complain to New Englanders, either, because then they ask why you didn't dress more appropriately.

For today, I will try yet another unsatisfactory combination: long spandex and a skirt. It may not be fashion-forward, but neither are Uggs, and people still get away with those. Perhaps I will go puddle-jumping later to console myself about this tragedy.


Blogger Aidan said...

I went to Thailand for a month during their rainy season, and the best thing to do with flip-flops is to take them off when running, especially when its raining.

You look a bit like a fool, but less of a fool than wandering around with rolled up trousers all day.

1:37 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ugh, I know what you mean. I must live somewhere in your general area because it rained a ton here, too. Very depressing.

7:09 PM  
Blogger Meredith said...

eddmun: I've never had anything against looking like a fool, perhaps I'll go the shoeless route.

8:24 AM  

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