Monday, December 11, 2006


Finals week is my new favorite thing.  It's exactly what we say would be superior while we're swamped with work: all the perks of college without work.  I had a three day weekend, including today.  I watched four movies yesterday, and I only left the couch to eat and go to church.  One of those movies is one that I never properly appreciated when I saw it in theaters: Titanic.

I think what best sums up my feelings is the following sentiment: Titanic is a good movie in spite of itself.  Despite ridiculous, cheesy lines, vaguely annoying elements, an unlikable heroine and spawning the worst, most pervasive talent show song of the late 20th century, I somehow found myself swept up in the movie.  There were anywhere from 2 to 6 of us watching it at any given time.  We all saw how young Leonardo DiCaprio and literally squealed.  He was just so cute; The Proclaimers said it best when they sang, "Let's get married, hold hands, and waaaaaaaalk in the park!"  It brought me back to the days when it was still okay to like the movie.

Titanic, like everything huge and popular, rapidly became uncool to like.  Although all but a few saw it and loved it, within months, we all pretended that we didn't think it was that good.  It's a lie.  We loved it.  We were all sort of devastated when Jack died in the end.  And when there's commercial breaks so you don't have to sit through the end of the movie on the edge of the seat, almost crying over the state of your bladder, you're a lover of loving love.

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Blogger Reel Fanatic said...

Titanic, though certainly not of the Oscar-caliber they made it out to be, is indeed an epicly fun and fairly good flick .. it's everything that this year's dud, Poseidon, forgot to be

3:59 PM  

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